One of the problems I have seen regarding learning is parents thinking it is the responsibility of the school to do everything for their children to succeed, they place the burden of their children\’s success solely on the school. When you dig deeper, you find out that the school is just a part of the success story of your child.
While it\’s true that a classroom is a place designed for learning, it\’s crucial to recognize that learning actually begins at home. If a child isn\’t absorbing information at home, they will inevitably struggle with learning at school as well. The capacity to learn is something that\’s acquired, and individual factors such as personality, learning style, and temperament significantly impact a child\’s willingness to learn and their general outlook towards education.

When a child is not given the necessary attention to their unique learning needs, they may resort to cramming information just to perform well on exams. I always tell parents that education is the fruit of your journey. You can\’t raise a child who will succeed academically while leaving out the other factors. If you are not able to look at the fundamentals of your child, he will cram to pass exams.

So What Are The Strategies That You Can Apply to Enhance Your Child\’s Motivation to Learn?
There are building blocks for raising children who will succeed in school and if you don\’t have these building blocks in place, it can be devastating to the child. In my work as a parent coach, I have seen two extremes of parents. First are the ones who can do anything humanly possible just so that their children will pass exams while the others are the ones that want academic success but become helicopter parents.
They offer too much praise and guidance. They do not hesitate to follow up with the school authority if their child misses a project or assignment because they are afraid of them failing. All these are rooted in fear and fear cripples the child from learning. Hence the building blocks needed are:
- Conducive Environment At Home: The home environment is a key aspect in encouraging a child to learn. It is put in place to aid the child\’s learning. One of the ways to create a conducive environment is by setting up a system where your child can read. There is no learning without learning how to read. When your children develop a love for reading, they develop a love for learning. It is all about creating an atmosphere of reading because reading is key to overall success. Reading helps your child\’s brain to learn how to process ideas or think on their feet.

Children should be taught to learn and not forced to learn. When you teach them to learn, you make them understand the joy that comes with learning and it gets stuck with them. Furthermore, you have to make books readily available and a mapped-out place in the home strictly for reading. In my book, \”Discipline that works\”, there\’s a tool called silent and deliberate programming. It\’s all about programming the environment to get the child accustomed to reading. Model to them how to read by reading as a parent and also providing games that stimulate them such as legos, puzzles, building blocks, etc.
- Understanding Your Child\’s Learning Style: Most schools do not support or encourage some learning styles. It is one of the reasons why you need to know your child\’s learning style before choosing a school for him. You don\’t have to enroll the child in a particular school just because it is tagged as the best school in town. At some point in our journey, our son was finding it difficult to read while his twin sister was doing so well. My husband and I knew that we were failing somewhere and had to seek knowledge of knowing how to help him. In the process, we found out that our son is a kinesthetic learner and most kinesthetic learners are not encouraged in the school system. Therefore, as a parent, when you don\’t understand this, you can\’t help your child, and the school system won\’t perform any magic because the school system isn\’t structured that way. Some children struggle not because they are dumb but because they have learning disabilities that hinder them from learning. There are 3 primary learning styles namely;
Understanding the learning styles will help you offer your child the adequate help you
can. - Improve Your Child\’s Response- Ability Quotient: If you are going to raise a child who would do well academically, you\’d want to raise a child that would respond to things around them easily. How do you increase the response-ability quotient? You do so by encouraging the child to take up the responsibility of doing chores. When you allow your children to take responsibility, you allow them to have control of their learning experience. The more you allow them to have control of their learning experience now, the more they become motivated to learn. Your child will only learn to the extent that you can allow them. If you are not increasing the responsibility quotient of your child, you are killing the child.
- Self-Discipline And Time Management: Time management is fundamental for
learning. Time management helps your child create study habits. Self-discipline helps the child know how to do result analysis. Without these, you\’ll raise a child you would control forever. The idea is to raise a child that can lead themselves without you being there to monitor and yell at them to read. - Parenting Advantage: I always say that what makes a child is who raised them, the environment in which they were raised, and the knowledge level of the person that raised them. The parenting advantage children have is that when parents are faced with some problems in their parenting journey, they look for a solution, and when they find the solution, it becomes a game changer. Parenting is about you and not your child. The parental advantage is a tenant of a child who would learn. Every child is born a genius but parents are the ones that make them inept. Your parenting style and advantage play a vital role in the lives of your children.

Conclusively, I believe that the best definition of education is learning the things you think you know that you didn\’t know. The knowledge you acquire gives you an advantage as a parent. Going on this journey, you don\’t have to assume because the assumption is the lowest form of knowledge. The level of your parenting knowledge gives advantage or disadvantage to your children.

When you know your child\’s learning style ;You can choose effective study methods that complement those strengths ,You will understand how best to teach those simple skills without any form of frustration and You will also be able to choose an effective disciplinary measure for your child, not just trail and error.

We started running the \”Understanding Your child\’s learning style\” course in 2018 and over the years , we have trained over 10,000 parents to understand how their children learn. I remember at the very first batch a particular parent said to me \”Coach Wendy I really wish I attended this course some 20 years ago, some of the challenges I had with my son I won\’t have had it.\”

🔖Don\’t wait to share your testimonial 20 years later join the upcoming course of \”Understanding your Childs learning style course\” starting on the 28th -31st of March, 2023.
See details on flier to register. Do you know that amazing thing? You get a 50% discount if you pay before 1st of March. So instead of paying N20,500 you get to pay only N10,500.
As usual there are over 10 bonuses for this course worth over N250,000
Register for the Learning Style Course here: or pay #10,500 to 0509494057 (GTB). The Intentional Parent Academy. Send proof to 09036633600. Offer valid till March 1st, 2023.