Raising Outstanding Godly Children In Today\’s World


When it comes to raising outstanding children, a lot needs to be done. But are we willing or is the Devil winning? When we talk about raising Godly children, the first thing that you hear people say is, \”oh, the child needs to know how to pray, the child needs to behave well, the child needs to be morally outstanding, and many more remarks.\” All these are good, but is that all there is to Godliness?

During Pastor Wisdom Osiri\’s ministration in Port Harcourt, he talked about the other side of Godliness. He said \’Holiness is not the only product of Godliness\’. Holiness is good but it\’s not all there is to Godliness.


Generally, I have discovered that Christians find it difficult to pay for knowledge. It\’s an attitude that needs to be checked if we must move forward. There is something about the world system. The world has a ripple effect if we don\’t stand up to equipping ourselves with the right knowledge and skills. If the Christian community does not build a system where they can create, then we can\’t make an impact in the world. If we want to change the tide, then we need to stand up to the conversation by acquiring knowledge, building wealth, and controlling the system.


We need to intentionally and strategically build a system where we can control. If you can\’t control the media, schools, and world system, our prayer and fasting can not change it. If we don\’t stand up to raise outstanding and Godly children, who can create and not consume, then everything we are doing is balderdash. If we don\’t have a strategy as parents and Christians, our children will follow the world system. What is in your process? Prayer won\’t take away the world system. As a Godly parent, what impact have you made? Until we think of creation and not consumption, we go nowhere. You need a strategy to change the world system. Remember, life works on principles and strategies.

Stop Raising Mediocre Children in the name of Godly parenting. When you raise mediocres in the name of Godly parenting, you tell the world that our God is not excellent. We have Godly children but they are not in the space where people are creating. Are we raising children who can create something that can influence the world? Until we are ready to do what is right, nothing can change. Raising godly children goes more than raising children who know how to read the Bible.


How do I raise Godly children?

Raising Godly children is never automatic, there is work to be done.

1- Define what it means to be Godly:- The definition of a thing is where our challenges lie. We see Godly parenting as children being able to go to church and read the Bible. If your child can not impact the world, you haven\’t raised a godly child. The Bible says that \’Godliness is profitable unto all things.\’ It requires planning, implementation and you must also be willing to grow. Your child is not going to be celebrated for being mediocre. Nobody will clap for your child for being good. Your child will be celebrated for impact. Ask yourself, \’Why are Godly people not in the world system\’?

2- Seek Knowledge:- Go and learn. The Bible says, \’My people perish for lack of knowledge. I saw a template recently and discovered that pedophiles have a training manual. I was shocked. People who want to destroy have training manuals and we are here leaving things to chance. Do you know the kind of training that went on before they infused LGBTQ into the media?

3- Teach Skills:- You need to teach your children relevant skills that would make them stand out. The skills range from; Emotional intelligence skills, social intelligence skills, cultural intelligence skills, and spiritual intelligence skills. When we talk about social intelligence skills, you need to teach your children how to interact and build good interpersonal relationships. Children are lost. No survival skills. They are confused because their parents didn\’t show them. Most children don\’t even know how to interact and talk to people. Let\’s not raise idiots in the name of Godly parenting.

Some children don\’t even know how to navigate. The ability to hear from God is a valid 21st-century skill that is undermined.

Also, one of the parenting problems of our generation is that we have swapped roles with God. The responsibility to raise your child rests on you as a parent. God protects your child, you can\’t give them safety. God will not parent your children for you. God\’s role is the role of protection while yours is the role of parenting.


4- Teach Leadership and not just followership:- As parents, you can only lead by raising leaders. There is a template for raising leaders. Every success can be replicated, provided you follow the principles. A lot of children are not being parented. They are just growing. You lead by raising leaders. There is a kingship system. There is a template for raising kings.

5- Set Boundaries As Early As Possible:- There are three things you must note if you must raise outstanding children, they are: Love, discipline, and training. Our definition of these three concepts is where the problem lies. The home is primarily a training ground. Training is part of discipline while love means acquiring the right knowledge to raise your children. If you love your children, you will go and buy the truth. Love includes setting boundaries. You can love your child and still destroy your child. Love is not enough. To that, your love, add knowledge, skills, and implementation. Remember, everyone can not be a king. The choice is yours. Training a child means repetition, reinforcement, and encouragement. Until a child clocks 8years, training is comprised mostly of the inputs of the parents. The home remains the primary learning environment. You can\’t afford to discipline your children. Discipline is structure and not flogging and shouting. If you do not have a structure, don\’t accuse a child of being undisciplined. Discipline aims to raise a child who can stand independently.



Raising the 21st Century King!!!

Do you know we will be having Pastor Dotun Arifalo founder of Leading Ladies Business Institute speak at this event?

As well as other amazing parent coaches and Teen Coaches?

Trust me you want to be here!

We currently have over 500 parents registered and set to attend this fire blazing event!

Use the link to register here


Slots are filling up so fast, please get them in now before we close up registrations

Be Intentional.

©️The Intentional Parent Academy

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