As the new school year is resuming what plan have you put in place? A new school session always poses some form of challenge for every child. In preparing your child for a new school year, it is not only preparing for academics, I have found that a lot of parents have this notion.

Preparing your child for back-to-school starts immediately after the closure of the previous school year. The real reason why back-to-school plans are important is that you need to send your children back to school ready to learn and you need to plan every area of their lives.
In getting ready for the new school year, you need to plan their sleep , nutrition , morning routines etc. Preparations for the new school year is divided into 5 areas and we will be sharing fully on these 5 areas in the back to school masterclass coming up from the 5th to 7th of September.You can join the masterclass here.At the back to school this year , we will be teaching how to prepare your child : Socially , Emotionally,Health wise and how to maintain and sustain success in school.

For today\’s blogpost, we will be focusing on the academic aspect of preparing for back to school and this starts with the kind of school your child is attending and what they are doing currently. Every school is not for every child , choosing a school is not about how expensive a school is but how they meet your child\’s needs .

If you are on the verge of changing school for your child or even starting a new session in their previous school, read this. If you are a teacher or a school owner, this is also for you.
Ask the school these question.
1. Does my Family Value align with the value of this school?
A school can be great yet might not necessarily be your focus on raising the kind of child you want! For instance, if you are focused on skills as a value, you need to find a school that can complement your efforts.
2. Does this school support my child’s learning style?
Unfortunately, the traditional school system mostly supports Auditory learners and sometimes visual; if your child is a kinesthetic Learner like my son, he would struggle.
As your parent, your primary role is to first understand your child’s learning style.
3. Safety and security :
Children spend considerable hours of their day in school and it becomes of utmost importance that the safety of children is given due consideration. A safe environment creates an open space for them to explore, learn and grow.
Ask the school for their safety procedures followed in the school in all the areas.
Safety on their person
Sexuality safety; ask for their safety plan on this. Fire safety; ask about the infrastructure on this.
4. Is this school meant for my child?
Every school is not for every child, that a school is great doesn’t necessarily mean it’s for your child. For instance, a child who is gifted in sports should have a school that can support this gifting.
5. Welfare and Quality of Teachers :
This is not just about qualifications because Teaching-learning is an ever-evolving process, so, ensure that the school organizes regular workshops and training for the teachers to keep them up-to-date.
Does the school management should spend a great deal of time, energy, and resources on providing intensive training programs to update the knowledge and upgrade the skills of their teachers.
6. What is The student-teacher ratio? This ensures proper attention and care can be provided to every student.
7. What kind of Curriculum /co-curriculum activities do they run?
the curriculum doesn’t refer to just books and notebooks, it’s the totality of students’ experiences during the educational process.
Any curriculum that will help a child thrive must be child-centric with a focus on learning and practicing the core subject skills as well as Life Skills like English Conversation, Thinking Skills, Personality Development, etc.
Co-curricular activities are an integral part of the school curriculum and help in enhancing the learning process of students. They help in enhancing the social and intellectual skills, moral values, and personalities of the students.
Before you send your child to any school Understand beforehand the curriculum followed and the co-curricular activities offered in the school.
8. What is the school Policy on Discipline? I have seen parents go to beat teachers or fight the school because of the disciplinary strategy used in a school. Before your child enroll in a school; ask how disciplinary issues are handled!
9. What resources are available to help a
child when he or she is struggling:
Providing learning resources and intervention isn’t restricted to children with special needs or learning difficulties, so ensure you ask about a school’s intervention program for Learners who will struggle with aspects of learning along their academic journey.
10. What is Their Early Years Program Like?
As a parent of a child between the ages of 2 and 5, you should ask specific questions about the early childhood program because this is the foundation of your child\’s educational path.
•What is the teacher-to-pupil ratio?
•Is the teaching experiential and hands-on?
•Do they teach using the play way method?
•Does the school provide child development classes that involve practical life activities, and sensorial education?
Is the learning Process child- centered.

We have over 30 questions you must ask before you take your child to a new school; we will be sharing this at the masterclass we are hosting at the academy this September 5th -7th.
To join the BACK TO SCHOOL MASTER CLASS, Pay #5,000 ($13) instead of #20,000 ( $26) to 0509494057 (GT Bank). The Intentional Parent Academy and send proof of payment through WhatsApp chat to 08129687040. You can register online here:
Benefits attached to this webinar lol when you register include ; Resources worth N42,000 ($100) only for N5,000 ($13) ; if you are able to make payment for the early bird .
•FREE Parent-Teacher Guide worth #2,000
•FREE Parent-Teacher Master Class worth #10,000
•FREE access to the Back To School Master Class 1.0 worth #20,000

Worth 10k Containing :
-A back To school affirmation Pack
-The Parent School Support Template
-Preparing your Child for Boarding school Template
-School routine planner
-School Structure Blueprint
-Meal Planner
-Daily School Preparation planner
-School accountability planner
-30 day Connection Tool
-30 day affirmation pack for toddlers
You can register online here: