When looking for ways to help children learn, understanding their individual learning strengths is essential. Parents often struggle to support their children’s learning, not because the children lack intelligence, but because parents may not fully comprehend their child’s unique needs.
Consider this scenario: If your child is struggling with math but excelling in tennis, which teacher would you hire? The average parent might choose a math teacher, assuming that addressing the child’s weakness is the best approach. However, this strategy can be counterproductive.

Here’s why:
1 . Focusing on Weaknesses Weakens the Child: When parents concentrate solely on a child’s weaknesses, it can inadvertently hinder the child’s overall development. Instead of emphasizing weaknesses, consider identifying and nurturing the child’s strengths.
2. Understanding Learning Styles: Every child has a preferred learning style. Some learn best through visual cues, while others thrive with hands-on experiences. Recognizing your child’s learning style allows you to tailor educational approaches accordingly.
3. Beyond Exam Results: While exam results matter, they are just one aspect of learning. Learning extends beyond passing exams; it involves acquiring problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and a love for learning itself.
4. The Joy of Learning: Unfortunately, many adults lose their desire to learn after formal education because the joy of learning is missing.
5. Finding the Best Study Options: Knowing your child’s learning strengths helps you choose effective study methods. Some children struggle to study independently, and parents end up studying alongside them.
6. Avoiding Mistakes of the Past: Our parents often prioritized results over the ability to learn. Let’s break this cycle by focusing on holistic learning experiences for our children. By understanding your child’s learning strengths, you can foster a positive attitude toward learning.

Most of the schools I have interacted with fail to accommodate the needs of kinesthetic learners. These patterns represent learning strengths and serve as pathways to knowledge acquisition. Your child’s thinking processes can also be nurtured. Regardless of your child’s thinking style, fostering a growth mindset is crucial. This mindset instills the belief that with effort, one can learn anything.
It’s a mindset that significantly influences learning. Children learn through their talents, abilities, knowledge, skills, and thinking styles. Comprehending the child’s strengths in these core areas facilitates improved learning. Rather than becoming frustrated with the child’s inability to tie their shoes while their peers can, identify the child’s learning strength and tailor their learning approach accordingly.
To effectively identify your child’s learning strengths, consider the following steps:
- Observation: Spend time observing your child during various activities. Take note of their behavior, approach to tasks, and reactions to different environments.

2. Connection and Communication: Foster open and frequent communication with your child. Discuss their interests, observations, likes, and feelings. Strong parent-child connections are essential for understanding your child’s needs and strengths.

3. Learning Style Assessment: Conduct a learning style assessment to determine how your child best absorbs information. Recognize that learning styles can vary, including auditory, visual, and kinesthetic preferences.

3. Multiple Intelligence: Explore the concept of multiple intelligences, which encompass various ways people learn, such as musical, bodily-kinesthetic, and interpersonal abilities. Identify where your child excels and shows interest in pinpointing their learning strengths.

4. Practice: Provide opportunities for your child to engage in different activities. Through practice, you’ll observe both their strengths and areas of struggle, which are valuable insights for guiding their learning journey.

5. Seek Feedback from Teachers: Collaborate with your child’s teachers to gain insights into their academic progress and behavior in a classroom setting. View teachers as partners in your child’s development rather than adversaries.

6. Portfolio Review: Regularly review your child’s projects, assignments, and works to identify patterns of strengths and weaknesses. Feedback from these reviews can inform targeted interventions to support your child’s growth.
7. Interest-Based Learning: Encourage your child’s interests and passions, as they are more likely to excel and enjoy learning when engaged in activities they love. Recognize that play is essential for children’s development and fosters social learning.

“Passing exams does not really mean your child is learning.”
It’s possible To Just cram, and pass exams!
Unfortunately, many parents are only interested in their child passing exams without learning.
This is why a parent can pay anything to school so their child can pass exams..
What if I told you that this is exactly why most people never read any other thing after leaving school.
This is why we opened up the understanding your child’s learning style course so you can help your child learn.
Register Online for the Learning Style Course here or pay #10,500 to 0509494057 (GTB). The Intentional Parent Academy. Send proof to 09036633600.
Offer valid till March 15th, 2024
Wow this amazing, this gives me much value.. thanks coach ❤️ ❤️ Wendy