Have you ever wondered to yourself ; Am I doing this parenting right? Are there things I should be doing , that I aren’t doing ?
Is there more ?
Oh yesssss! There are questions you must ask to find answers because great Parents are not born, they are made. Self evaluation is an integral part of being a great Parent . You must be able to review your journey for success, if you don’t access your journey you will fail. Many times one of the things that happen to us on the journey of parenting is that we do not understand how much parenting needs to be trained. Parenting doesn’t need perfection, parenting needs you to be trained, and when you get trained you also learn how to create plans, structures, and systems.
When you have plans and systems you know what to review, Parents in our inner circle program will understand this blog post better because they already have the parameters and tools to review their journey.
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So What Are The areas you need to evaluate in 2022?
These areas I will be highlighting are not to overwhelm you but for you to sit down and begin to think about your process “What are you doing right? What are you not doing right, where will you need to put in the work etc. Evaluating your parenting journey will help you to know what is wrong and also helps you to know where you are going.
- Love and Affection: Love and affection? I know you are wondering how to evaluate your love and affection. A lot of the time I tell parents that knowing that you love their child is not enough, showing that you love your child is very key. There are many parameters that you can use to measure love and affection and they include :
i. Connection with your children
ii. How much time do you spend with them - Time and Stress Management: The problem is not how much you have to do, the problem is in your ability to manage what you have on your table. We all have 24 hours and if you are not careful you will not be able to use them well. People often wonder how I do all I do, here is a big secret “if you can manage your time, you will be able to achieve more on your journey “ One of the masterclasses we hold in the Inner circle is how to manage your time and stress, one parent in the inner circle shared that this webinar on particular transformed her entire life. So your problem is not that you don\’t have time or you have a lot to do, your problem is that you don\’t know how to manage your time. So you want to evaluate your time and stress management to see where you are now. I have also found that a lot of parents best their children when they are stressed, if your stress level is not well managed your parenting will joy be successful.
- Relationship Skills: One of the very first things you learn in the Academy is how to “Create a social roadmap for your Genzer”. If you created this roadmap you should begin to look at it and where you are now.
This roadmap includes your own relationship, during one of our masterclasses on Legacy the academy I mentioned that your children should be able to inherit relationships that are strategic from you.
- Autonomy and Independence: You need to be able to measure how independent your kids are. One of the challenges we face in our clime is that we find children who are too dependent on us and that\’s why we have “30-year-olds who still live with their parents “.
The more independent your child is, the less stressful your journey becomes, an unskilled child is a burden to you.
One of the things I shared in my latest book “Raising The Independent Thinking Child” is that independence starts from the day you have your child. When you think of independence you should think of it from the perspective of how your child can survive without you, there is a level of independence that even a child should have at every point in time. When you are raising children, your goal should be independence at every point in time.
- Education and Learning: When you learn more, your children become better at it. Your children are a product of the following;
I. What you know
ii. Where they were raised
iii. Who raised them, these are very important. A lot of us were not taught to learn, so you need to measure how much you have learned from last year to this year on your journey, how much more have you been to add to your journey, and what more are you adding to your children. Whenever our children are coming back from school, My husband and I always benchmark ourselves over what new thing can we can become for our children.
In 2023, your children are requiring wisdom and not just parenting, they are not only interested in instructions, but you are also interested in wisdom so wisdom is a major part of your parenting. You need to be intelligent in the aspect of parenting. Have valuable are you to your children? Until you create a system of value, no one will come to you. Parenting is like a race, you are constantly benchmarking yourself with yourself. As your children are coming home, what new things have you added to yourself?
- Emotions Management: How have you been able to work and manage your emotion in 2022?Intentional parenting is about having a hold of your emotions.
- Disciplinary & Behavioural Management:
Do you have a disciplinary plan in your home? Unpredictability is one of worst tools you want to employ in your parenting. Children don\’t thrive in unpredictability and this is a lack of discipline.

Christmas for me is about making memories with your family and this can be achieved by just creating activities that will help you and your family bond.
These activities are not about how big or expensive they are , what is important are they connection that make with your family.
Want to make this Christmas extra special for your family? Check out all you get in our Intentional Christmas Bundle
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🔺Christmas gifts guide
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If you\’ve gotten any of our academy bundles the you know what to expect. Remember that Christmas is not an emergency, today is a great time to start your plans. To purchase a copy of The Intentional Christmas Bundle, pay #2000 ($5) to 0509494057 (GT Bank). The Intentional Parent Academy and send proof of payment through WhatsApp chat to 08129687040.
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