What I wish every Parent Knew About Parenting

There are many things that I wish parents knew about parenting , recently I started compiling a lot of things I wish parents knew , eventually I am going to put it out in a book because there are too many things in my head but I first thought to share snippets in this blogpost that would help in your parenting.


I wish that parents knew that ……..

1. Children are made by their habits: What you will need to raise a child who will thrive are habits that last and skills that transform. Children are made by their habits , children who grow up with certain characters can be traced back to certain habits that they must have picked up as children. Habits are built in trickles, you don’t wake up and decide to form those habits.

2. Parenting is First About You: I wish that parents knew that parenting is first about you not the child , church or school. I know that I mentioned first that children are made by their habits but behaviors are learnt but they are are caught more than they are taught. Many times we don’t realize that the way out children behave are as a result of our actions.
Before you go on your journey of parenting you need to go back to your drawing board and question yourself and the things you believe in. Many children become who they become because their parents are parenting with our knowledge. The more knowledge your acquire , the more it rubs off on your child.


3. The World Is A Score Keeper: The world does not reward mediocrity , the world is not that tiny place in your bedroom, your child is the earner and learner of the scores. The world , the school , your environment, your child’s marriage are all score keepers. Your duty is to teach your child how to earn those scores and how to learn to earn those scores. The world won’t just hand over things to your child because they tried , they must learn to earn their scores.


4. Parenting Comes With A Manual: For a long times I have heard people say that parenting has no manual but it will shock you to know that what works for you is not what works in the real sense of it and I have said every time that you can love your child and destroy them.Whether your realize it or not , we are all parenting with a manual whether it was handed over to you by your parents or environment but no one parents in a vacuum . So the question is what are you really parenting from? Some of your manuals have loopholes , some are delivering mediocrity and not excellence , if you find that your manual is not working for you , trash it today and develop what would work for you. Any generation that cannot produce a better system is a failed generation, you need to look at what your parents did, look out for where they failed and reinvent it.Any parenting without a structure and a plan is a failed system and only a manual offers you such. It’s a failed system to think that you can just wake up and start parenting. If you are looking for a manual for your parenting , you need to join the Inner Circle Program.


5. Connection is Everything: Children are bothered about how they felt about their childhood, children are bothered about how secured they feel with you, all the material gifts you give to them doesn’t really matter. If you knew how much connection means to your child you will drop everything. If you connect with your child more , you will do better. Connection is at the bedrock of parenting, when connection is strong children are more wired to comply to rules and instructions. Part of what we do in the academy is to provide daily connection tools where you are held accountable to connect with your children, it’s one thing to be present and another thing to have content with your presence.


6.Schools Only Support What You Have Inculcated In Your Children: What a school does is to build on what you have already imbibed in your children. You as a parent are the most important piece in the academic success of your child. I wish you knew how important you are to the success of your children in the school system. If you knew this , your choice of school will be different.


7.Children Blossom Under Responsibilities:
A child raised to be responsible gives you less worry.The more responsible a child become, the more they are likely to succeed in other areas of life. Children without responsibility don\’t really blossom that much and far.If you are in the waiting list of the academy , you need to know that part of our core is to teach your children responsibility. I am beginning to see a disturbing trend of children becoming irresponsible , where we have created a system of bail out for our children.


8. Screen time is not an advantage to a child but a disadvantage: If you recognize this you will be more conscious of how you expose your children to screen.


9. What discipline is about: Discipline is not about screaming, jumping, shouting, banging head. Discipline is first of all training, discipline involves grooming of children

If your child does the right thing only when you\’re around, then there is something wrong. If discipline is done right, you will struggle less.The most abused subjects in the journey of parenting is discipline, It\’s often used carelessly and applied haphazardly.

10. Parenting is war:

There is a need for conscious, deliberate strategy on how to succeed.You have to plan ahead of a war, so is parenting, you have to plan ahead of the journey.

When you do things with knowledge, you stand a better chance of being successful.
We should parent by intentionality and NOT by probability. How are you fighting this parenting war: ignorantly or knowledgeably?

According to Ecclesiastes 10:15:The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city. Wisdom is the things that other people know that you don\’t know and seek out ways to know them.




The annual subscription fee for the program is N70, 000 .

You book a slot at the enquiry desk with a non-refundable fee of N5,000 for 2023 cohort, and pay your annual fee of N65,000 which you can decide to pay at once N70,000


Yes, after the initial non-refundable fee of N5,000, you can spread the fee through the year (2-3 installments) but you must have completed payment before we resume on 1st December 2022.


Yes couple fee is N120,000 instead of N140,000 (Registration inclusive), so you get to save N20,000 as a couple, because we want to encourage couples to go on this journey together.


We currently have slots booked to over 80% of our capacity, and we will stop registration as soon as max our capacity. Slots are filling up quickly, so jump on-board now.


Simply book by using this link https://selar.co/tipinnercircle or make direct payment to 0509494057 (GT Bank). The Intentional Parent Academy, then send a chat with proof of payment to 08129687040.

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