In creating an ultimate holiday plan that helps your child strive, you need to understand that you have a choice and the choice starts with you. Oftentimes, I hear parents say, \’oh, I don\’t have the time, I am busy…\’ I am usually amazed at how parents take pride in such words. I shared in our Facebook community that lack of time isn\’t something one should be proud of. It is something that should make you feel bothered and work towards.
The holiday is one of the biggest times that you can key into and make judicious use of such an amazing opportunity. Time is spelled as LOVE for your children. If you do not spend time with your children, then \’your children will not feel that you love them.\’ No matter what you do or say to them, it won\’t equate to the time that you need to spend with your children. The major thing that a child requires of you as a parent is TIME.

Your children are going to grow up and leave the house someday, it is the time you created for them that would matter in the future. Beyond just provision, there is a need to spend TIME with your children. It is also important that you understand what is essential per time and season. What is essential when your child turns 1 won\’t be essential when the child is 20.
Children grow daily, So every decision you make would have a ripple effect someday. You might not see it now, but it\’s going to be very evident someday. For instance, King David in the Bible was anointed at a very young age but he didn\’t become king till after 17 years. Remember, CHANGE IS NOISELESS.

Your children are growing every second of the day. Don\’t wake up shocked that your children have grown without your input. Time is going, take action NOW.
Making a plan is the first place to help your child thrive. The holiday is a time to recreate and bond with your children. You might never understand your children if you do not spend time with them, especially during the holidays. The holiday time is a whole lot. You can use it to create lasting memories.

Why is it necessary that you make a plan?
Planning helps you stay focused. So you don\’t get carried away, you must plan. Remember, when you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Why You Must Spend Time During The Holiday With Your Children.
1- It Helps You Live Longer: Studies have shown on family relationships that strong family bonding reduces the risks of premature deaths by 59%. The more family relationships you have, the more bonds you can create.
2- It Creates Healthy Mental Health: Life is beyond work. We have a lot of teenagers committing suicide due to neglect in the home. A lot of parents do not know who their children are so when the child has issues, he runs out. The concept of \’I don\’t have time\’ can drown you in this parenting journey. If you do not have time for your children, then something is wrong. There was a time in my life where I wasn\’t attending weddings because my Saturdays were very important to my children.

3- Every Minute Counts: I have not missed anything in the life of my children. My husband and I choose to be present in the lives of our children. We have attended PTA from the primary one till the last stage.
4- Playtime embraces your inner child: The inner child is about who you are and who you have become.
5- It Helps Create Family Traditions: The best time in my home is the holiday season. We created a system where we are available for the holiday for the past 11 years. It is the family rituals that create bonds for the children. Don\’t assume anything, plan every tiny detail.

6- It Creates Experiences: Life is all about the experience. We are all products of our experiences. Everything that man does is all about the experience that was created. When I see some great families, I see parents that were very intentional about the experience they create for their children. Your experiences will either make or mar you. What are the experiences that your children have about you? What will your children remember? What will they think about you? Remember, we are limited by the experiences that we have.

What Schedule Can You Create That Will Help Your Children Learn?
There are many things that a school can never teach your child. You need to create that atmosphere in your home. The onus is on YOU. If you don\’t teach your child, your child will never learn how to do it. Wake up today, your children need to learn and learn things fast.
1- You need to have a specified schedule for your toddler: Toddlers thrive on routines. One of the major barriers to effective parenting is the act of flogging/beating. Beating doesn\’t change anyone. Discipline is not beating, discipline is routine.
2- Have a reading plan: Reading is something that you need to inculcate during the holiday. I am not talking about English and Mathematics. Let your children go round the world via reading. Reading gives confidence and boosts self-esteem.

3- Chore plan: Every child should do chores. Have a list of educational resources that you can do.
4- Have a daily planner
5- Have a holiday planner
6- Have a habit builder planner
7- Have a responsibility chart
8- Have a self-regulatory planner
9- Have a practical life skills builder
10- Have a screen-time checklist
11- Have a 30-days holiday devotional got your children
12- Have a vacation planner

The Ultimate Holiday Bundle is Now N3000 and will be going up to N10,000 in a few days. Join over 1,000 parents who have gotten this awesome product. The reviews have been amazing To get the ULTIMATE HOLIDAY BUNDLE, pay #3,000 instead of #10,000 to 0509494057 (GT Bank). The Intentional Parent Academy and send proof of payment through WhatsApp chat to 08129687040. You can also pay online using this link:
Toddler Schedule
Reading Planner
Household Chores Planner
List of Educational Resources (Apps, Websites, Movies, YouTube Channels)
Daily Planner
Weekly/Holiday Planner For Children
Habit Builder Planner for Children
Responsibility Chart for Kids
Self Regulatory Planner
Practical Life Skills Builder
Screentime Checklist
30 Days Holiday Devotional For Children
Vacation Planner Price goes to to the original price of N10,000 in a few days