How To Talk To Your Child About Sex

Since we started talking about sex conversations in recent times, we realized that parents were finding it difficult to talk to their children about sex.Talking to your children about sex can be pretty difficult. When parents share their dilemma with me as regard sex education with their children, I simply acknowledge the fact that it\’s difficult. As parents, you will need to learn and cover a lot on sex education for you to successfully teach your children.



1- You Need to Start With YOU: Sex education starts with you as a parent. Parenting is about you, not your child. The first person that should learn what to do is you. If you can understand this, then parenting your child will be a smooth ride.The first thing you need to be learning about you is to define your sexual value and name them. Make the sexual value clear to yourself first before making it clear to your child. Until you define your sexual value, your children won\’t be able to understand anything.A parent was asking me about LGBTQ sometime ago, I began to explain to her and she said, \”I don\’t even understand all these, I just think it\’s a form of entertainment.\” For her, she doesn\’t even understand what she endorses and what she doesn\’t endorse.I


counseled a teenager and she said to me, \’The first time I saw porn, I saw it on my father\’s phone and the same father came to me to say that pornography is not okay.\’ As parents, your values are going to reflect in the kind of sex education you give to your children. So before you tract, what do you believe in?

2- Start Before Your Child Becomes Verbal: I have heard a lot of half hazard sex education going on in the society as regards the appropriate age to start sex education. Starting before your child becomes verbal will help you avoid any form of struggle when the child grows up.The problem is, not many parents know what to say to the child before he/she becomes verbal. Before your child can talk, your sex conversation needs to have started. Sex conversation is precepts upon precepts just like the Bible says.


Starting early helps you have a better and smoother transition.Please note, I call it \’Sex conversation\’ instead of \’sex education\’ because sex conversation is not the same as sex education. Sex conversation connotes that it\’s a process while sex education says that you are doing it for a time lag.

3- Understand Age-Appropriate: It\’s not everything that\’s okay for every child. I remember an article I read weeks ago, a 4-years old child had asked the mother, \’what is sex\’. The mother got confused and started explaining in detail, only for her to realize that the child meant something else. The mother realized that she goofed totally. You must understand what is okay for a child at the time.


If you don\’t teach early enough, you will be marveled at the level of information exposed to your child. Don\’t just assume that your child knows nothing about sex, understand what your child knows and begin

4- Understand What Your Child Knows: Parents don\’t know that child exposure to information about sex begins earlier than any parent can imagine. If you don\’t teach early enough, you will be marveled at the level of information exposed to your child. Don\’t just assume that your child knows nothing about sex, understand what your child knows and begin to work on that.

5- Work on Your Emotions: On this subject of sex education, you need to understand that if you are ready to do this, then it means that you are going to be opening up conversations. For instance, your male child can come home and tell you, \’Mum, I saw one girl in the class today and my penis stood.\’ How would you react as a parent? From the above sample, when you start that conversation with your child and make your child open to you, you are going to hear things that would amaze you.This means that you need a lot of emotional control. If you do not have your emotions in check, the things that you will hear will make you flick.


6- You Need To Get The Required Knowledge: If you teach half hazard sex conversation, it is as good as teaching no sex education at all. If your sex education is a half hazard, you have killed the child. Sex conversation goes beyond, \’don\’t let anyone touch you here.\’ You must know your curriculum. Are you teaching your child about body image, masturbation, sexuality, LGBT, drugs, pecks etc? Do you know the things that your children know? Your child might be getting abused without anyone touching them. If your curriculum is void of this and many others, then your curriculum is short-sighted.


7- You Must Understand Your Child: Who is your child? Who are you teaching? You need to get it. What kind of child are you teaching? What are their love language and learning style? There is a lot to learn on your parenting journey.


1- Research says that children who learn about sex from their parents are less likely to make poor sex decisions. If your child learns about sex from you, the likelihood for them to make a poor sexual decision will be minimal. This is why you must start now. You are the pro. Do you know that your children can sense it when you have the required knowledge?

2- The best sex education strategy is starting early and continuing as the child grows.

3- You must make sure that your child gets the appropriate info each time. Don\’t over inform or under inform.

4- Never rely on the school system to teach your children sex education because it must be done from your own value system. Sex educations starts with your value system.


Recently, we launched The Sex Educate Your Child Like A Pro Challenge. And so far we have had well over 900 Participants sign up.In this challenge, we will show you exactly how you should teach this even if you have never taught it before. I have never mentioned sex to my child, will this challenge teach me?

Yes, we will show you how you can start these conversations and become a pro at them. I have been teaching my children sex education but it\’s looking like I haven\’t scratch the surface? Yes we are here to help you. The worse thing you can do with sex education is to make it half-baked. If you Don\’t fill this vacuum today, your children definitely fill if from somewhere else ; be it uncle google or another adult ; either way there would be no vacuum. For only N1,000 instead of 10,000 you can learn all of these like a pro and start your journey.


This challenge will position you as that PRO for your child on every issue of Sex Education. You don’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The next time this challenge will be launched you will be paying the original price of 10,000. To JOIN the #SexEducationChallenge, pay #1,000 to 0509494057 (GT Bank) The Intentional Parent Academy. Send proof of payment through WhatsApp chat to 08129687040.

You can JOIN online here:


Catch Up on my latest podcast episode where I interviewed my friend of over a decade ,,we talked about friendship especially among women. You need to check it out

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