7 Ways to Nurture Self-Esteem In Your Child

In this blogpost, I will be sharing 7 ways to nurture self-esteem in your children. We’ll consider what you can do more to nurture this in your children.

Parenting is a learned skill, the first time parents hear this they are shocked. When we talk about self-esteem it involves a person’s general feeling of self-worth.

One of the biggest tools in revamping self-esteem is parenting. Self-confidence comes from how much you believe in yourself and this stems from what you heard. This comes from the inner voice in you also called an “inner child”. 95% of what we do comes from our subconscious mind. Research states that this was formed from age 0 to 7, so the question is what happened between age 0 to 7 of your life. Have you been able to sit back and access what happened in the first 7 years of your life?

Many factors determine self-esteem and they include:

  • Self-worth
  • Identity
  • Sense of belonging
  • Feeling competent
  • 1.Self Worth: Parenting is a big deal, a lot of people get shattered from childhood. Issues around self-esteem can be traced back to parenting. One of the things we don\’t realize is that we can\’t press delete in the brain, so when something happens, it takes much more to rebuild that child than when you had a window of opportunity. No parent intentionally sets out to crush their children’s self-esteem, feel insecure, feel less competent but when you have the wrong tool this happens by default.

This is why I always say that parenting is such a big deal, it is a window of opportunity to make or mar your child and you must be able to step up to this responsibility. The place of responsibility cannot be undermined.

  1. Identity: Does your child know who they are? Part of the first thing you do when you come into our inner circle program is to figure out your family values. Growing up, our parents assumed that we knew who we are but unfortunately it backfired. It is through these values that your children begin to know their identity. Everything you do as a parent makes or mar your Children.
  2. Sense of Belonging: If you cannot connect with your children, they can\’t have a sense of belonging. When children question their parent\’s love, it deteriorates their self-esteem.


  1. Stop preventing your children from struggles and failures, allow them to take healthy risks. When you prevent your Children from struggles, failures, and disappointments, they can\’t get motivated. When you don\’t allow your children to take healthy risks you kill their self-esteem, they won\’t understand that struggles and failures are a part of life. It builds confidence and helps your child realize that they can go through the process. Humans are created to solve problems, humans are created to create. When they walk through the process, they build resilience.
  2. Use the Discipline That Works: Self-esteem is one thing that gets easily eroded when you don\’t use the discipline that works, the reason is that when a child does something wrong you become agitated and afraid then anger is triggered and at that instance most parents who are not emotionally intelligent explode.Your child\’s self-esteem is hinged on your actions. This is further explained in my book “Discipline That Works”, you can order for my book HERE
  3. You need to take responsibility and work on your emotions: Working on your emotions precedes using the discipline that works. Children who are yelled at continuously have been found to have low self-esteem. When you tell at your children, something happens that shuts down the learning center, so It\’s either that your child tones off or it shuts down their learning center. Yelling erodes their self-concept. You need to be responsible for relearning your emotions.

Punishment impacts the emotional brain while discipline impacts the thinking brain. In my upcoming course, Becoming the Emotionally Intelligent Parent “ you will learn how to relearn and rewire the emotional brain.Register for the course HERE

  1. You Need To Connect With your Child. The more connected you are with your child, the more you can build their sense of belonging and feeling of security. The feeling of security is very important for a child who is trying to build their self-esteem concept.
  2. Don\’t Overpraise Your Children: Praise the process your child takes to achieve a result and not the result. This teaches a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset.
  3. Teach Your Children How To Say No:
    For you to teach your children to say no, they have to be able to say no to you. Your children need to understand that it is okay to Say No and for others to say No to them.
  4. Teach Your Children To Take Responsibility

As a parent, do you resort to hitting your children at the slightest error? Is this frustrating you?Are you measuring your success as a parent by the quality of the relationship you have with your child, or by how effectively you can control your child?

Do you recognize that you are responsible to your children and not just for them?

Do you get so angry that you see yourself overreacting?


If you have answered these questions in the affirmative then this course is for you!

People with well-developed emotional skills are more likely to be content and effective in their lives, mastering the habits of the mind that foster their productivity.

People who cannot marshal some control over their emotional life fight battles that sabotage their ability for focused work and clear thought.


This course will show you in practical terms how you can work on your emotions and use them positively in your journey as a parent.

To register for the Becoming the Emotional Intelligent Parent course, pay #15,500 to: 0509494057 (GT Bank). The Intentional Parent Academy and send proof of payment through WhatsApp chat to 08129687040. You can register online by clicking https://selar.co/emotionalintelligentparent


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