7 Learning Strategies To Enhance Your Child’s Academic Performance

One of the problems  I have seen as regards learning is parents thinking it is the responsibility of the school to do everything for their child to succeed. When you dig deeper you find out that the school is just a part of the success story of your child.

A classroom is a place of learning, no doubt, but you must understand that learning starts from the home first. So, if your child is not learning at home, your child will struggle with learning in school as well.

I remember vividly, this particular classmate of mine in primary school who is also a member of our Facebook community. I remember him sharing a story in our community on how he was named dumb and people like me were named smart, that post made me so sad even if on the contrary to should have made me happy ; because it was all about praises for me, but I was really sad when I read that post because I realized how much a lot of children were destroyed. The advantage that this guy had was that he had parents who understood learning disabilities and boom they provided early intervention to him.


While the teachers in our primary school felt that this guy wwas dumb, the teachers at home who are his parents, decided that their child wasn’t dumb but smart and today their involvement has payed off. That same guy who was called dumb now teaches in one of the best Universities in the UK, He is also a Ph.D. holder.

Whenever I recap on this story, it beats me how a lot of people have been destroyed as a result of ignorance.

“What will be your child\’s parenting advantage?

To enhance your Child’s learning ability, you need to ask these questions :
•Are the settings in my home, giving my children the opportunity to thrive?
•What parenting advantage do my children have by having me as their parent? I ask this question a lot of the time to the parents in the Inner Circle (You can join the inner circle program here)

I learned quite lessons from my dad, I Several learned public speaking from my dad, to the point that when I needed to practice public speaking in my days in the USAID, I remember vividly that I didn\’t need to do much. People just felt I was too good. No I just had a parenting advantage and that was it.

What would be your Child’s parenting advantage?

Last Tuesday, I said that what you know is what is going to determine how far your child will go. So the question is what do you know?


The ability to learn is learned. Individual personality, learning style, temperament plays a big part in your child\’s willingness to learn and their overall disposition when it comes to schooling and education. So you need to understand that your child\’s ability to learn will be a determining factor to your child\’s personality, your child\’s temperament and your child\’s learning style.

We are going to be looking at the strategy that can help you enhance your child\’s motivation to learn and you will see them discover the joy of learning.These strategies that you would need to help enhance your child\’s motivation to learn are:

  1. Develop an atmosphere of reading: Reading is key to success. People have argued that reading itself is key to an overall success of the human being. I have also argued that reading is key to success in learning. Children who develop love for reading will naturally develop love for learning. Children who struggle with reading will naturally struggle with learning. Now a lot of people think that the only thing that children get when they read is that they develop rich vocabulary. Some people say oh it just makes them speak well, this is a good thing but it is one of the things that reading does but beyond that, reading actually helps your child\’s brain to learn how to process concepts and formal communication.

Reading helps your child process concepts and without the ability to process concepts your child will not be able to learn.The ability to process concept for any human being is actually what gives them the eventual joy of learning.

In the inner circle program, one of the key things we do is to read. You can join the inner circle here . A parent reached out to me recently and said that she has never bought a book for the child before that is not an academic book. That worried me because,how do you want your child to learn if you do not develop an atmosphere of reading? When you teach your child how to develop the ability to learn on the concepts. Formal communication reading and a lot of the things that your children should do.
How do you achieve this environment? How do you achieve this atmosphere to create the environment that keeps trying to learn? Your children should not be forced to learn. If you are forcing your children to learn, there is something wrong with the system that you are currently using and you need to undo that, because you are going to create yet another generation who do not want to learn and just pass exams.

2. Buy books: A lot of parents come back to me and say coach I have been buying books my children have been tearing the books. Are you guys kidding? Most times I ask these parents, the designer bag you bought 500k, 1,000000, have you carried it forever? At some point you tossed it at one side and then you continued, but yet something as valuable as books, we find it difficult. Our value system is skewed to one side. I keep saying that if we cannot even buy books to read ourselves, if we cannot even exemplify the joy of learning, how do we want our children to learn? I have asked this question over and again. I mean that is actually the truth. Priorities, we need to begin to set our priorities. See the moment you become a parent, your priorities changes and you must understand that priorities. Somebody once told me that all these books that we have in my house are we planning to open a library? I said yes we are. The number of books that is currently in my home that we have bought over the years. Sometimes we have had book budgets that we have spent. I am not even going to put out what it is that we budget on books on a monthly basis. If you can\’t exemplify the joy in learning, how do we get our children to read? What are you reading? How are you doing these things? Buy books. Leave that asoebi you are supposed to sow.


3. Create family reading time: Is there a time in your home where you actually read. For our home, reading books are a priority. People have argued to say that we both come from families where our parents were teachers. I agree that is an advantage but you can create a system like that. Growing up I read everything Chinua Achebe wrote. Everything. I walked the streets of everywhere in the world even before I stepped my foot in those places .I knew how the parts of the world looked. It was exciting. My experience about the world was enlarged in books. When I said that the skills your children will need to thrive in the 21st century is not on the screen, people argue; there are things it is not on the screen, argue from now to tomorrow, you can\’t find it on the screen. Create a family reading time as the children are reading, you are reading? What are you reading?


The parents in the academy already understand that you carry your book, your children carry their book. You also have books and you read. Be a model. Be an example of reading by filling your home with reading materials. Let there be books. Let there be magazines. when my children come back, one of the things I excite them is a family reading plan. There is a time like 30 minutes. It is really in time and it is one hour. They are excited. They look forward to it. Sometimes we are reading and then from reading we get into gist and everybody talks about what it is that they are reading and tells the story and all of that. My children spend just for everything that they get that is a budget. So, how many books they would buy with it. So, how many books can we buy with it? Very important. Be a model. Be an example of that reading. Create an atmosphere that shows how important reading is.


4.Create an atmosphere that shows how important reading is: Is reading a second thought or is reading just something that comes after every other thing has happened? We have done this, we have done that. I remember one time, we traveled and we got to the airport and there were two boxes full of books and the person that was checking in said books, you guys came to shop for books? Yes, we actually came to shop for books. You want to be able to actually give your children access to the world and books gives you that real access to the thoughts of men. I like the way that my pastor said, wisdom is in the things that others know that you do not know. That is what wisdom is wisdom is not in what you know. You are limited by yourself. And I said last week that when you parent by yourself, you will be limited, when you parent by knowledge, you are limitless. One thing about developing a lifelong learning if not making it fun delivering a lifelong learner is to make it fun and not frustrating. A child who sees learning as fun will naturally develop the joy of learning. I see some parents, their disciplinary strategy is go upstairs and read and I am wondering really?

5.Allow your child to have control of their own learning experiences. The more control and input you are able to provide the child with respect to their learning environment, activities and stuff, the more engaged and motivated the child will become to learn. Your child will only learn to the extent that you actually are able to give them control of their own learning experiences. How are you giving the child control? How do you even begin to give your child control? Do they understand how they learn? That will help your child create an experience that they love. It is not just about you, it is also about your child. How engaged are the things that you are also sharing? How engaging are they? These are the things that will motivate your child to actually learn.


6. Introduce and encourage different learning styles for your child: The problem is, do we even know the different learning styles? If your child cannot learn using the different learning styles, your child will struggle with learning. Now, how do you even begin to do that? How you can do that, it is simply by helping your child understand their learning preferences and style. Because until you do that, you cannot teach your child how to learn with using other learning preferences. So you need to understand that is very important. So we all have that learning style that is dominant and then we have this learning style that is a mix, but the truth of the matter is that, if you want to help your child, you need to start by helping them discover how to learn. The moment my son learned how he learned, he became a superstar. As in, it was just boom, glaring and if you take your child how to learn, if you help your child understand how they learn, it becomes easy for your child to assimilate concepts. And when it comes to learning style and dominance, you start from the dominant learning style. I was sharing with the parents in the inner circle and I said that my children are very good with my maths. They don\’t use calculators. I remember sharing this because there was a conversation on a particular tool of the day that we are given to do.


7. Use game-based learning: Now, using games-based learning as an education tool that provides opportunity for deeper learning and develop non-cognitive skills. It helps to motivate your child to learn also. One of the tools that we used for our son to actually understand the skill of learning is using game based learning. So, game-based learning was one of the things we do. What kind of games did we use? We use games like scrabble, we use games like chess, and we use games like Lego pieces. So different kind of games but these games will be dependent on the kind of learning style your child has. So, if you have a child who is an auditory learner, and you do a lot of Legos, your child might actually not be able to get the game based learning styles and assets to actually learn through it. So, you need to understand who your child is first before you can use this strategy. So, you can see that everything rises and falls on how your child learns and who they are.

This can sound overwhelming but it is like something you are intentional. You understand that it is something that is on the go. So, what are we what we do in the inner circle program is to share daily tools that help children learn daily without really knowing that they are learning. For instance today, we are doing a treasure hunt. Hunt the children are going to be learning a lot about patients, about focus, about a lot of things but yet they are not reading. The parents are not overwhelmed with sit down, I need to teach you but the children are learning. So when you make every day a teachable and a learnable moment it changes the tides for your child. So, when we are out, we with the twins, many of the times, we pass somewhere and we say, so what do you think about this and all of that and then there is a twist. Learning starts to happen. so learning is every minute, every second, every moment we are learning.


Are you still thinking of taking the course on \”Understanding Your Child’s Learning Style\”? It is just 2 days to this course that has transformed the learning and discipline experience of hundreds of children whose parents have joined this course in the past cohorts. Have you wondered what would be your learning outcome from this course, swipe to see our reviewed curriculum for this cohort 🔥🔥🔥🔥. This curriculum alone is on fire.


Come the 28th of March, 2022, We will be taking over 300 parents on this Course to “Understanding their Child’s Learning Style.

To register for the Understanding Your Child’s Learning Style course, pay #10,500 instead of #20,500 to 0509494057 (GT Bank). ( This offer ends today ) The Intentional Parent Academy and send proof of payment through WhatsApp chat to 08129687040.

You can register online by clicking here: https://selar.co/learningstylecourse

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