10 Social Skills Every Child Needs To Thrive in 2022

One of the things we learned in January for parents in our inner circle program is social intelligence and parents in the program will attest that social intelligence is a subject that is quite deep.

Social skills are skills that help children thrive, while academic excellence is great, without teaching social and emotional intelligence to your child, you have failed them.In this blogpost we will look at 10 Social Skills Every Child Needs To Thrive in 2022

1.Effective Communication: Effective communication involves making eye contact, to teach your children to make eye contact, you can share stories and illustrations. Listening is also one communication skill that is required, listening is not about staring or staying quiet, it involves absorbing. Listening is a critical component of healthy conversations.


2. Accepting Consequences: When a child is wrong, what most parents do is that they bring out the cane and flog without helping their child learn to understand the consequences of their action.

3.Following Direction: Children generally have difficulty with following directions, whether you are instructing your child to clean their room, or instructing them to learn how to do something, your child needs to follow instructions but before you expect your child to follow directions, it is important that you are giving those directions the way it should be.


4. Flexible /Cognitive Thinking: This is a key social skill, this is also known as mental flexibility or cognitive thinking. This is a child\’s ability to have a problem and be able to think up several solutions. You do your child a disservice when you do not engage them to think in flexible thinking, it deters their ability to connect with the social system.

Children who have difficulty in thinking don\’t have the ability to think beyond the mob based way of doing things.Children who have weak flexibility have problems with taking up responsibiliies as they get older and problem solving.

There are two skills that make up cognitive thinking: 1) Flexible Thinking 2) Set shifting


5. Conflict Resolution: Generally we have a problem with solving problems. To help your Child solve problems, they must first learn how to manage their emotions.

6.Self Regulatory Skills: This is another skill that your child needs to thrive in the 21st century, there are tons of people who are a mess because they lack the ability to self regulate.Without self regulations, your children cannot control their emotions which are drivers of relationships. You can register for the “Becoming an Emotionally Intelligent Parent Course” Here.


A part of self regulation is a child\’s ability to impulse control and without this ability, a child can get into ADDICTIONS. If you cannot self regulate, you need to seek help, part of what our upbringing gave us, was the inability to seek help. Asking for help is a sign that you are growing.

7. Taking Responsibilities: We are raising children who can\’t take responsibilities for their actions. The moment you take on to beating a child, you teach them irresponsibility because you are being irresponsible with your own emotions. They ability to put your emotions in check turns around your parenting journey.

Until you work on your emotions, you will always find yourself struggling with correcting a misbehaviour.

The Becoming an Emotionally Intelligent parent course is launching for the quarter for the first time and only time this year

90% of Parent who come to me have a problem with controlling their emotions. I often hear them say \”I really want to always get hold of myself but I just can\’t \” .

Do you know why? It\’s a skill, you can\’t wish it. I have once been at that point where I was \”wishing it\” but until I learnt it nothing changed.

To register for the Becoming the Emotional Intelligent Parent course, pay #15,500 instead of #20,500 to: 0509494057 (GT Bank). The Intentional Parent Academy and send proof of payment through WhatsApp chat to 08129687040. You can register online by clicking here: https://selar.co/emotionalintelligentparent


That course will teach you;

✔how your emotions control 90% of your relationship with child.

✔️How emotional Intelligent is key to your journey.

✔️Simple and proven techniques to practice EI with your family.

✔Learn that parenting with peace and calm is possible.

✔Strategies I have shared with thousands of parents in over 4 years and have had results on them.

✔️Practical learning experience with live project work and examples

What are you doing to become a better you?

Parenting is about you not your child!

©Wendy Ologe

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