One of the biggest tragedies of parenting is going on the parenting journey without acquiring and developing the needed skills.To parent in this day and age, you need to develop these 10 skills that will be mentioned in this blog post and they must become part and parcel of you.
We are now parenting Generation Z, Generation Alpha, and Generation Beta who are the generation that are being born today and this is not a walk in the park.
In this blog post, we\’ll be looking at the 10 skills every parent needs to thrive in 2023. I also shared these skills in one of my upcoming books titled \” Raising an independent thinking child ” when you read that book you will understand why you need to acquire these skills and how you can teach them to your children. Raising the independent thinking child book both comes as skills and tools to help you on your journey.
To preorder, simply click here

1 . Failure and Resilience skills: In the words of Oliver Goldsmith \”True greatness doesn\’t lie in never failing but in rising every time you fail” but I say that you do not fail when you think you have failed, you only fail when you do not know what to do with failure. I teach parents in our inner circle program that failure is a tool in parenting. There is every possibility that your children will fail but if you stop them from failing then they can\’t become independent thinkers. Unfortunately, many of us protect our kids so much because we do not want them to fail or experience failure but we often forget that failure equips children with adversity skills.
There\’s a quote by Walt Disney that I like. It states that \”there are evil things too,you do not do your child a favor by trying to shield him from the realities of life. The important thing is to teach your child that good will always triumph over evil.” Teach them the skills that are required because if you don\’t teach them these skills and continue to protect them, you\’ll have struggling children. They need failure and resilience skills. Failure is never the end but a tool.

2 . Self-learning skills: With the surge of information that\’s on the increase, it\’s a greater problem managing irrelevant knowledge than acquiring knowledge. A lot of parents surf the internet for knowledge but the problem lies in managing the knowledge because there are lots of misleading information. The best way to go about it is to develop self-learning skills. It gives you the ability to see and put things together. You can develop this skill by being in an accountability system where you acquire meaningful knowledge because the more you acquire meaningful knowledge, the more you\’ll be able to sift the ones that are not desirable. You\’ll be able to distinguish the relevant and irrelevant information.
3 . Positive Attitude Skills : If you are going to parent a child today , you will need to learn the skill to be positive, life is about skills. Most parents paint a picture of gloom, hopelessness and doom as the consequence of change. The reason why you give your children false information is because of a lack of knowledge. The Bible says that wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of our times. If you don\’t have wisdom and knowledge, you\’ll struggle and not be stable. Positivity helps us overcome challenges with skills, convictions, foresight, and joy, our children will still encounter many changes.
4 . Participative, Collaborative and Compassionate Skills: The world nurtures individual talents and collective intelligence. Who are the people around you? Have you heard of the saying? \” you are a product of people that are around you” In the inner circle, the structure helps you to nurture and scale your collective intelligence when it comes to parenting. When you see what someone has shared, you can take it, use the knowledge shared when you have a problem, and then become more intelligent. Collective intelligence helps you to build you and your child\’s intelligence. It will also help you take away the overprotection you have over your child and begin to teach the child to build social skills.
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5 . Skills to Understand, Manage, Accept and Work With Change: Do you have the skills to understand, manage, accept and work with change? We are averse to learning because of the way we were raised, many of us were only raised to read books and pass. Many have not read any books since they came out of school. Learning is constant and as you learn, you understand, and accept things but not all then put into consideration, the change. For example, in the next 20-30 years, we\’ll have more gay parents than we\’ve ever had in the world. You might not approve of it just like I don\’t but how prepared are you to accept the change? God forbid it or it\’s not my portion are not parenting plans and will never be. You need to learn the skills to understand, manage, accept, and work with change because the 21st century is marked by fast changes. Managing changes is one of the critical skills parents must learn so that their children don\’t miss out.

6 . Emotional Intelligence skills: The importance of emotional intelligence skills cannot be overemphasized in the 21st century. Infact, the focus is shifting from Intelligence Quotient (IQ) to Emotional Quotient (EQ) , If you do not have EQ as a parent, you\’ll be lost. As a parent, you can\’t apply the method by which you were raised with to this era of the 21st century. Change is constant and if you don\’t understand it, you\’ll be left behind.
7 . Creativity, Engagement, and Innovative Skills : These skills involve taking risks, making mistakes that you can use as tools to help your kids. It also entails becoming creative with your disciplinary strategy and effectively engaging your children. Parenting today is all about innovation and you can\’t keep doing whatever you want and expect different results.
9 .Observation, Facilitation, and Empowerment Skills: Many parents have not developed these skills because they have held on to hitting and yelling at their kids. They just observe but can\’t facilitate what you have observed and can\’t empower rather they react and disempower. The reason for disempowering is that you can\’t facilitate, i.e get the necessary knowledge in parenting. For instance, in my book, \”sex educate your child like a pro” I shared that telling your child that the penis and vagina are private parts while other parts are public parts is disempowering your child. When someone touches them at places labeled as public parts, they see it as nothing. Sex doesn\’t start with the \”private parts” and that\’s where we miss it. Your role as a parent is to facilitate growth from all angles. You can do so by (a) observing (b) mentoring/modeling (c) a positive environment for knowledge (d) providing moral support in times of crisis because that\’s when your child needs to support the most. The blame game isn\’t needed (e) acting as a torch bearer in their path to fulfilling their purpose. You are the guardian and doing the work of God as a parent.
10 . Discipline skills: Most of us can\’t discipline our children because we don\’t have the skills. The ugly part is that in the times in which we are if you don\’t learn discipline skills and then discipline wrongly, your children will find people who will bear them up in the wrong way because the devil we are dealing with is much more than you can imagine.
11 . Connection skills: You need to learn how to connect to your child. If you don\’t connect with themtoday, you can never connect with them tomorrow. That\’s why in the inner circle, we don\’t leave the connection to chance. We create the connection tools and it\’s so good because we use them to get into the heart of our children and it works wonders.

12 . Spiritual skills. When I talk about spiritual skills, I don\’t mean going to church, (don’t misunderstand me)going to church and being among the brethren is good but there\’s much more to spiritual learning. A lot of us have not learned this skill and that\’s why you run from pillar to post looking for signs and wonders. In the inner circle, levels 2, 3, and 4 will be doing spiritual skills as a common topic and I look forward to it because they get to learn more about spiritual intelligence. Some of people do not know how to connect with God because their lack spiritual intelligence. For every human being, there\’s a connection with God and that\’s why different prophets operated differently with God in the Bible.

The annual subscription fee for the program is N70, 000 .
You book a slot at the enquiry desk with a non-refundable fee of N5,000 for 2023 cohort, and pay your annual fee of N65,000 which you can decide to pay at once N70,000
Yes, after the initial non-refundable fee of N5,000, you can spread the fee through the year (2-3 installments) but you must have completed payment before we resume on 1st December 2022.
Yes couple fee is N120,000 instead of N140,000 (Registration inclusive), so you get to save N20,000 as a couple, because we want to encourage couples to go on this journey together.
We currently have slots booked to over 80% of our capacity, and we will stop registration as soon as max our capacity. Slots are filling up quickly, so jump on-board now.
Simply book by using this link or make direct payment to 0509494057 (GT Bank). The Intentional Parent Academy, then send a chat with proof of payment to 08129687040.
This month we started a series where parents in the inner circle have been sharing their journey and how their lives have been transformed by being in the academy. It’s been all shades of amazing and awesome.
You can now access all the conversations in one place.
Everyone Grab your popcorn and enjoy our Parenting Netflix. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and also share with family and friends.